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Panny Pang Chai Yin

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When was the last time you received kindness from somebody? When was the last time you extended an act of kindness to someone else, and to what end? As it turns out, there can be tremendous merits and outcomes in paying forward a kindness received with a good deed to somebody else, especially when done out of gratitude. The concept of "Paying It Forward" is nothing new, but in our world, I believe we could do with more compassion and selflessness as it brings out the best in us.

The Art of Paying it Forward Without Spending a Dime

When we pay it forward we commit an act of selflessness that transcends our connection to other humans on the planet, elevating the human experience in a positive way. Whether it’s a showing of kindness, faith, or even compassion, it all makes a difference and can potentially trigger a chain reaction of reciprocated behavior.

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The Power of Altruism

Classical economics adopts a model that says people are primarily driven by material self-interest. Political science assumes that people are driven to maximize their power. But this worldview is clearly wrong. In real life, the push of selfishness is matched by the pull of empathy and altruism. This is not Hallmark card sentimentalism but scientific fact: As babies our neural connections are built by love and care. We have evolved to be really good at cooperation and empathy. We are strongly motivated to teach and help others.

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The Paying it Forward Paradox | Wayne Baker | TEDxUofM

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Panny Pang Chai Yin
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前人种树,后人遮荫, 一家人享受天伦之乐需要稳定的经济来源, 把可预期和不可预期的风险转嫁保险公司, 提供家庭一辈子的幸福保护罩, 让理财夫人彩羿帮你轻松理财, 让未来充满希望。


Im Jaslyn from HR assistant.. when i was 28 years old, i was diagnosed breast cancer stage 4. Definitely feeling upset, hopeless and cant believe that i have cancer in this age group. However, there is no choice and only way to survive is to receive treatment. Fortunately, i have met panny a year ago before i was diagnosed cancer. Panny is the one who recommended a suitable insurance plan for me if not the cancer treatment fee which i cant afford at all at singapore. The fee is more than the salary i earned per month. From my opinion, there is no such thing "im still young so don't need buy insurance", im the good example so everyone please have your insurance for rainy day. Hope my personal experience inspires you all. Insurance is important! Panny is definitely an insurance agent you can be reliable and responsible to every customer need!

Xin Yun


Sasa Ng

I am impressed by her professionalism and so appreciate her dedication to making sure I have the very finest service possible. She is truly to be commended for the outstanding job she did. I am truly grateful. I would highly recommend her to everyone who is in need. Thank you ❤️

Kok Yit

I'm happy with Ms. Panny services provided. She is very friendly and helpful to address my needs. Thumbs up for the good services.

Lim Zheng Hee
